So. This is my fourth - count 'em! - fourth website. Seems rather excessive, doesn't it? No, no, I agree with you. But, y'see, this is the first one that's even remotely functional...

The first one was... well, horrendous. I'd never built a website before, so I found the easiest host I could, which was Angelfire. As a result, I went mad with backgrounds and fonts and colours and general horribleness, but it did, at least, have a fair amount of content. You can find that one right here, but don't say I didn't warn you.

If it's so horrendous, you ask, then why is it still there to blind the masses? Well, I say, because sometimes you need to remind yourself where you came from in order to see where you're going. That, and I am genetically incapable of throwing anything away. In any case, through Angelfire tutorials, I learnt my very first basic HTML, laughed in the face of danger and templates, and started - tremulously - to create pages from scratch...

I had an idea for a new layout, but I didn't want to completely overhaul. So, instead, I set up another Angelfire account, and with help from Naomi's photoshoppery and general betterness at everything, created some rather awful frames pages and image maps. When I realised just how long it was going to take (I didn't have Photoshop myself at the time), I soon gave up on that idea. It's here, anyway.

Take Three came in the form of The Zircona, along with a complete overhaul, simpler design, and a fantastic idea for venting my creativity that never really got off the ground, because I never finished the rest of the site. That site, incidentally, is still going to be used semi-regularly for hosting my various photo-pages, because it's too much hassle to move them all. (The website, I have since discovered, no longer exists due to 'inactivity'. Basically, Brinkster deleted it. And obviously, I have absolutely no back-up files for it. Lovely.)

So, what about this one? Well, its predominant function is to host my writing, original, fanfiction, or otherwise. For this purpose, I decided I just had to have a domain. The other reason is that I post images on my livejournal far too often, and finding a reliable free image host is damn near impossible. (Though, thankfully, the wonderful PhotoBucket does the job rather well.) Aside from the writing, however - which will also include various show write-ups, both existing and to-be-completed - this is also going to be the new home of the Time Machine, the aforementioned creativity-venting idea from The Zircona, purely because Brinkster have since employed irritating popups that mess up my frames...

That being said, then, enjoy the site...